Convert your custom or default WIM file to VHD/ VHDX format

Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 – WIM2VHD for Windows 8!

Convert-WindowsImage is the new version of WIM2VHD designed specifically for Windows 8.
Completely rewritten in PowerShell, this command-line tool allows you to rapidly create sysprepped VHD and VHDX images from setup media for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 and Windows 8/Server 2012

Steps to convert WIM to VHD/VHDX
  1. Open Windows Power shell with Admin privileged and run the following command
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  1. Move into the directory where your Script is stored and run the following command
.\Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 –ShowUI .

  1. This will launch UI and hence fill the data required accordingly as shown

  1. After filling the Data click on Make my VHD and the VHD will be ready in 5-10 min

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